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Enabling Wings
Enabling Wings
be the change

Our Project Portfolio

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Kitchen paneling

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Bedroom interiors

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Living Room Decor

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1-1 Coaching

Coaching is an exploratory process to facilitate a client to move from where they are now to where they want to be, thereby accelerating goal success.

Online or Face to Face, whatever suits you!

Business Training and Group Coaching

Solutions designed around the needs of your business or team or choose from some of our popular sessions.

Sessions designed around the needs of your business or team

Get in touch to explore options

Enabling Personal Success

This full day workshop combines the key personal development elements to set you up for success!

Coaching and Certified NLP 

Start your journey today with our 1 day course: 

Certificate in effective communication with NLP

Jump straight in with our 8 day course: 

Diploma in NLP and coaching practice

1 - 1 Coaching

Via Zoom or Face to Face

NLP Training

Next dates etc

NLP Practitioner

2018- Maryland

NLP Training

2017- Argentina

NLP Training

Find out more by booking onto one of our taster sessions below

Hotel Resort interior and Exterior Renovation

2017- Argentina